
  • Act as a fiduciary to minimize risks to plan sponsor/employer.  As an independent investment advisor with fiduciary responsibility, we assure that the employees’ interests always come first.
  • Recommend custodian, third party administrator and investment choices.
  • Provide brokerage window for employees who prefer a more customized approach and more investment options that are customarily found in 401(k) and 403(b) plans.
  • Assess each employee’s risk tolerance, return requirements, and other characteristics and goals, and make investment recommendations.
  • Provide ongoing investment management of employee accounts.
  • Provide in-person and telephone meetings with employees to review and update employee circumstances, requirements and investment choices.

Additional Services for Businesses and Their Employees

  • Employee education seminars
  • Coordination of employee plan investments with other investments, including brokerage accounts, retirement accounts (traditional and Roth IRAs), Trusts (Revocable and Irrevocable), Custodial Accounts (accounts for minors), education accounts (Roth IRAs and 529 Plans)
  • Non-Qualified plans
  • Special services for executives and key employees
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