Premier Investment Management Service

Clients who select our Premier Investment Mangement Service receive our top shelf service that can be very cost effective.  This option is for clients who want to free themselves from the worry of making their own investment decisions.  Whether you are a busy professional or an hourly worker, and whether or not you are an experienced investor or a new investor, this program will allow you to focus on your work and leisure time and leave the investing to us!

How this program works:

  Step 1: We conduct an initial interview and may conduct follow up interviews to determine, with you, your Investment Goals and Objectives.  You provide copies of your most recent brokerage statements, retirement accounts (IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.), trust account statements, latest tax return and any estate planning documents (trusts, wills, etc.) that will help us to prepare a written plan for you.

Investment Goals and Objectives include the following considerations:  Risk Tolerance, Desired Return Objectives, Income Requirements, Tax Situation, need for Liquidity (cash set aside for emergencies and upcoming major expenses), Legal Issues (examples: limitations on allowable investments in your trust, IRA minimum required distributions), and Unique Circumstances.  The Unique Circumstances includes a wide variety of topics limited only by your imagination.  Unique Circumstances might include provision for a special needs child, your desire to avoid sin stocks,  your desire to establish an education fund for a child or grandchild, or your plan to move to another state after you retire.

Step 2:  We conduct a follow up meeting to review your customized recommendations, which includes a proposed Investment Goals and Objectives document that is customized to include your personal information that makes your situation special.  We also provide a plan that includes what percentage of your accounts should be invested in stocks, bonds, and other types of investments.  We also provide written investment opinions on each stock, bond, mutual fund and other asset that you hold in your accounts.

Step 3:  If you are a new client, we prepare the paperwork necessary for Labrador Investments LLC to manage your account.

Step 4: We review the proposed changes with you before we make them.  After the initial changes, we periodically make changes to your investments as our outlook for the economy, the markets, and individual stocks undergo changes.

Step 5: We periodically speak to you to find out if your personal situation has changed, which may result in the need to make changes to your investment portfolio.

We normally charge a fee based on the size of your account that is no more than 1%/year.  For example, an account worth $250,000 would be charged $2,500/year.  The fee is assessed monthly, based on the account size at the end of each month, and is charged at the end of the month, NOT in advance.   As your account grows, the fee percentage declines.  For complete details, please look at our fee schedule here.

Additional benefits:

  • Free review of your 401(k) and 403(b) plans at your current place of employment
  • Free ongoing consultation if you have a question or concern that recently arose on which you require expert advice.
  • Free access to our education seminars for clients
  • Access to our investment professionals in the evenings and on weekends.
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